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Who we are

The Health & Wellness Committee of the IRCM Student Association is dedicated to the entire student community of the Institute and aims to promote mental well-being.

This initiative is part of a collective awareness of the emotional weight of higher education, particularly in research. l'Université de Montréal, McGill University, and the IRCM management have together expressed support for the establishment of this peer support group. Our additional assistance is available directly at the Institute. We will provide the ease of accessibility for all students from either University affiliation.

We know that sometimes it is difficult to manage not only our research projects, but also our professional relationships and our personal lives. Confessing or admitting difficulties to immediate colleagues or superiors may sometimes feel discouraging. With this in mind, our mission is to be a resource where you are free to openly talk about anything and everything. 

The members of the Student Health and Wellness Committee received mental health first aid training from the Mental Health Commission of Canada. With respect and discretion, these peer supporters are available to welcome, listen and, if desired, refer students to an appropriate resource.

Our fundamental principles are:

  • Confidentiality

  • Judgment-free listening

  • Orientation to other available resources upon request

This service is open to all IRCM students. To contact us, please send an email to or contact one of the committee members (see contact/team) directly.

L’Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal n’est pas responsable du contenu de ce site web.
 The Montreal Clinical Research Institute is not responsible for the content is this website
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